Pampas and peach tones Grasses Bouquet


Our most popular large hand-tied bouquet of a wide ranging variety and size of grasses, foliage and smaller flower heads in whites and mauves to stand out from the soft toned neutrals and pinks of the grasses and leaves.

Dried flowers should last several years, until colours start to fade. Keep them out of damp spots and away from direct sunlight.

Our bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper with our smart branded tissue paper and ribbon.

Gifting? We include a free high quality card featuring a bespoke illustration and we can handwrite your message - don’t forget to include this in the box on the checkout page. Items are shipped via courier in strong double-walled ‘handle with care’ boxes.

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Our most popular large hand-tied bouquet of a wide ranging variety and size of grasses, foliage and smaller flower heads in whites and mauves to stand out from the soft toned neutrals and pinks of the grasses and leaves.

Dried flowers should last several years, until colours start to fade. Keep them out of damp spots and away from direct sunlight.

Our bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper with our smart branded tissue paper and ribbon.

Gifting? We include a free high quality card featuring a bespoke illustration and we can handwrite your message - don’t forget to include this in the box on the checkout page. Items are shipped via courier in strong double-walled ‘handle with care’ boxes.

Our most popular large hand-tied bouquet of a wide ranging variety and size of grasses, foliage and smaller flower heads in whites and mauves to stand out from the soft toned neutrals and pinks of the grasses and leaves.

Dried flowers should last several years, until colours start to fade. Keep them out of damp spots and away from direct sunlight.

Our bouquets come wrapped in kraft paper with our smart branded tissue paper and ribbon.

Gifting? We include a free high quality card featuring a bespoke illustration and we can handwrite your message - don’t forget to include this in the box on the checkout page. Items are shipped via courier in strong double-walled ‘handle with care’ boxes.

Autumnal bouquet (large)
from £35.00
Pale Pink Bougainvillea Posy
Winter Bouquet of dark pink tones
Perfectly Pale Dried Wreath
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Dried Wreath - Winter Woods
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